Saturday, August 15, 2015


Wednesday, July 29

We vowed to come back to the little town of Advocate when the fog was gone and we could actually see it. But the fog that morning persisted as we wandered down some little side roads nearby; we ended up at the famous Cape d'Or. We drove up on a very narrow and pot-holed road not expecting to find much there, but it was a gem.

There is parking lot with a little faux lighthouse in it and some information signs about the historical and geological significance of this place. Two special things to me were the tides of the Bay of Fundy and the riptide cause from strong currents colliding on rock formations. Pretty impressive. Bill and Kirby and I walked down a long steep hill to the lighthouse and a restaurant at the bottom. The lighthouse is surrounded by cliffs and land ending as a rocky walkway jutting out into the bay. The fog was lifting as we walked revealing some of the most beautiful landscape seen yet.

 We stayed overnight in the parking lot at the top.
Ate dinner at a picnic table overlooking this beauty and took sunset shots from the viewing platform as well as at the bottom by the lighthouse.

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